63rd Fishers Island YC 'Round Island Race
Current Registrations

Sail Number Yacht Name Owner's Name Yacht Club Home Port Yacht Type Length

1. 42482 2nd Chance Jon Bawabe MRMSA Columbia, CT, USA C&C 35 MkIII 35
2. USA 13 Allegra Tod (Kip) Williams Fishers Island Yacht Club New York, NY, USA IOD 33
3. USA 21 American Magic Terry Hutchinson NYYC USA IOD 30
4. USA 31550 Arabesque Robert Bruno Mystic River Mudheads Sailing Association East Haddam, CT, USA Chance CTM 31 31.5
5. 10 Bahama Gal Bruce AVery Watch Hill Yacht Club Noank, CT, USA WH-15 25
6. USA 78 Balance James Ohlheiser Shennecossett Yacht Club Canton, CT, USA J 109 35
7. 4 Blue Bell Mark Schneider WHYC Watch Hill, RI, USA WH-15 22
8. 63 Blue Moon David & Lucia Greenhouse American YC Rye, NY, USA Esse 850 28
9. 20201 Brer Rabbit III David Strang/ Peter Austin Ram Island Yacht Club Groton, CT, USA C&C 33 33
10. USA 32944 Bwana Mark Winmill Mason's Island Yacht Club Millerton, NY, USA J 35 35.5
11. 20986 Casual Encounter Andrew Glazzard Mud Heads Noank, CT, USA C&C 29 29
12. USA 15 Celerity Arthur Kuijpers USA
13. 10999 Checkered Demon Neal O'Connell Shennecossett Niantic, CT, USA Holland 1/2 Ton 28
14. 40697 Checkmate Michael Lachance Mudheads Mystic, CT, USA Frers 33 33
15. USA 12 Creole Mathew Burnham USA
16. USA 738 Dark Energy Laura Grondin Mudheads, NYYC West Hartford, CT, USA Melges 24 24
17. USA 77840 Details John Fries Shennescossett Yacht Club Waterford, CT, USA Andrews 30 MK1 30
18. 17 Diva Scott Brooks Watch Hill Yacht Club Darien, CT, USA WH15 25
19. USA 10625 Dreamcatcher YCC Mudratz Offshore Race Team Mudratz Stonington, CT, USA Swan 48 48
20. USA 23 Duchess stewart cutler Fishers Island New York, NY, USA IOD 33
21. USA 67 Empress WILLIAM MCCANCE Fishers Island Yacht Club Reading, MA, USA Hunter 45 45
22. USA 3904 Fast Forward Solvej R. Freitas n/a Stonington, CT, USA J 24 24
23. USA 4160 Finn McCool Oliver Parsons Fishers Island Yacht Club Fishers Isalnd, NY, USA J 24 24
24. 301 Firebird Michael Macina wadawanuck N. Stonington, CT, USA Ensign 22.5
25. USA 592 Freedom Will Lennon Masons Island Yacht Club Stonington, CT, USA J 70 22.75
26. 14 Gimlet II Barbara Melanson Groton Long Point Groton Long Point, CT, USA Nonsuch 33 33
27. 17 Ginch Wes Maxwell Fishers Stonington, CT, USA IOD 33
28. USA 341 Glide Brad Gibbs Fishers Island Yacht Club Providence, RI, USA J 70 22.75
29. 7 Golf Kate Jones Fishers Island Yacht Club New YYork, NY, USA IOD 33
30. 29 Grace John Pryor Masons Island Yacht Club Mystic, CT, USA Morris 29
31. USA 231 Hedgehog U.S.Coast Guard Academy Coast Guard Sailing New London, CT, USA Melges 32 32
32. 15 Hi Toots! Scott Schneider WHYC Westerly, RI, USA WH-15 25
33. USA 314 Honey Pi Clem Wood Wadawanuck Yacht Club Stonington, CT, USA J 70 22.75
34. 2 HUSSY Richard Holliday Watch Hill Westerly, RI, USA WH-15 25
35. USA 13882 Irish lady William St John Essex Corinthian YC Southbury, CT, USA Ranger 26 26
36. 30 IZZY MAYhem Luke Georgian Mudheads Niantic, CT, USA Nelson Marek 30 29.8
37. USA 200 Jammy Beggar U.S. Coast Guard Academy Coast Guard Sailing New London, CT, USA Melges 32 32
38. USA 14 Jester Charlie Van Voorhis USA
39. USA 37 Jolly Mon Geordie/ Sara Loveday/ Porter Fishers Island Yacht club Fishers Island, Ny, USA C&C Redwing 30 30
40. USA 115 Leda Chris & Vicki Field Mudheads Noank, CT, USA Melges 24 24
41. 464 Legacy III John Read Ram Island Groton, CT, USA C&C 34 33.5
42. USA 389 Magan Chris Buydos Off Soundings Old Lyme, CT, USA J 30 30
43. 363 Magic Robin Durrschmidt Niantic Bay Yacht Club Vernon, CT, USA Ensign 22.5
44. 8 Margery Ward Woodruff Niantic Bay Yacht Club Niantic, CT, USA Nonsuch 33 33
45. USA 50195 Mast Transit II David Kelly Niantic Bay Glastonbury, CT, USA J 27 27
46. USA 211 MilfordSailingFoundation.Org Bruce Kuryla Milford Milford, CT, USA Melges 32 32
47. 4093 Miss America Michael Zeller Thames Yacht Club Longmeadow, MA, USA J-24 24
48. USA 43 Opportunity Mudratz - Opportunity Mudratz Stonington, CT, USA Melges 24 24
49. 42422 Patriot Toby Halsey Mason's Island YC Mystic, CT, USA Baltic 39 39
50. 70702 Ringle X Robert Rodgers Ram Island Stonington, CT, USA X-Yachts 44.3'
51. 7 Ripcord Paul Bergendahl MRMSA, Ram Island Noank, CT, USA Melges 24 24
52. 73048 Sagacious Giles Carter Off Soundings New Haven, CT, USA Alsberg Express 34
53. 1623 Sans Souci Ted Parker RIYC Groton, CT, USA Ensign 22.5
54. USA 40344 Santarella James Scalise Shennecossett YC Groton CT Pittsfield, MA, USA Baltic 38DP CB Sloop 38
55. 18 Scandal Robert Doumar Watch Hill Yacht Club Westerly, RI, USA WH-15 25
56. 9472 Se Therin Richard Magner MRMSA Glastonbury, CT, USA Catalina 22 22
57. 298 Shearwater Chris Griffin Off Soundings Wethersfield, CT, USA Ericson 38-200 38
58. 343 She's the Boss John Sutherland MRMSA Groton, CT, USA J 105 34
59. 40252 Sir Prize Constantine Manthous Niantic Bay Yacht Club Niantic, Ct, USA Sirena 38 38
60. USA 35 Sirius Brad Burnham USA
61. USA 234 Sleighride Richard Miller Fishers Island YC New York, NY, USA J 70 22.75
62. USA 470 Special Sauce Garrett Wafler N/A Waterford, CT, USA J 30 30
63. 40159 Stout Matthew Strand Mason's Island Yacht Club Lyme, CT, USA J 29 MHOB 29
64. 40044 Summer School Brandon Flack MudHeads Stonington, CT, USA Farr 40 40
65. 12 Summersalt Stephen Schwartz WHYC Westport, CT, USA WH-15 25
66. 2925 Swiss Cheese Henry Maxwell Mudheads North Stonington, CT, USA J 24 24
67. USA 61197 Taliessin Ed Coss Niantic Bay Waterford, CT, USA C&C 99 32.5
68. 25752 The Ocho Mark Cika mystic river mudheads Mystic, CT, USA Capo 30 30
69. USA 1731 Triton Maurice Scully Thames Yacht Club Gales Ferry, CT, USA Ensign 22.5
70. 798 Wardance Peter Bergendahl RIYC/MRMSA Noank, CT, USA Melges 24 24
71. USA 222 Wild Horses Bill & Suzie Canning Mason's Island Mystic, CT, USA Melges 32 32
72. 1 Windward Peter Evans Watch Hill Y C No Kingstown, RI, USA WH 15 25
73. 30 Zallee (276) Isabelle Farrar Fishers island yc Milton, Ma, USA IOD 33
74. None Zephyr randall saunders Watch hill New Canaan, CT, USA Morgan 382 38
75. 45 Zig Zag Zoom Prescott Littlefield UConn Avery Point Sailing Lyme, CT, USA J 29 29

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